Birds in the Park — February 2019

Every month Jason Bonilla, from the Houston Audubon Society, leads a group through Woodland Park and records the species and number of the birds they observe. Click or select this article to view the bird species counts for the most recent hike through Woodland Park. If you'd like to join us for our hikes through the park please visit our calendar to find the next date and time.

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Birds in the Park – February & March 2018

Every month Jason Bonilla, from the Houston Audubon Society, leads a group through Woodland Park and records the species and number of the birds they observe. If you'd like to join us for our hikes through the park please visit our calendar to find the next date and time.

From Jason Bonilla:

Last Saturday we had our March survey. Here is the list. I have included the February list below it since I did not send out an email on it. Our next Woodland Park survey will be on Sunday, April 22nd at 7:30am.

As always, the complete bird count list since the dawn of time is available here.

March Birds (17 species):

cormorant sp. - 4
Great Blue Heron - 1
heron sp. - 1
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
White-winged Dove - 10
Mourning Dove - 3
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2
Downy Woodpecker - 1
Blue Jay - 11
Barn Swallow - 2
Carolina Wren - 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1
American Robin - 4
Northern Mockingbird - 3
European Starling - 2
Pine Warbler - 1
warbler sp. (Parulidae sp.) - 1
Northern Cardinal - 9
Great-tailed Grackle - 3

February Birds (21 species):

Double-crested Cormorant - 2
cormorant sp. - 1
Great Blue Heron - 1
Osprey - 2
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
hawk sp. - 1
White-winged Dove - 12
Mourning Dove - 2
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2
Downy Woodpecker - 1
Northern Flicker - 1
Eastern Phoebe - 1
Blue Jay - 5
Carolina Wren - 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3
Northern Mockingbird - 4
Cedar Waxwing - 35
Orange-crowned Warbler - 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 7
Northern Cardinal - 7
Great-tailed Grackle - 9

Birds in the Park – December 2017 & January 2018

From Jason Bonilla, Houston Audubon Society:

Hi all. We had our January Bird Survey of Woodland Park yesterday. We ended up with 30 species and added a new bird for the park, House Wren! Full list is below and spreadsheet for all years attached. I'm including the December list below January since I forgot to send that around. Note that the spreadsheet also includes the CBC team's numbers for Woodland Park in December which I was not able to attend.

Our February walk will be on Saturday, February 17th.

January List (30 species):

Neotropic Cormorant - 1
Great Blue Heron - 2
Great Egret - 1
Osprey - 1
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
White-winged Dove - 13
Mourning Dove - 11
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1
Downy Woodpecker - 1
Eastern Phoebe - 1
Blue-headed Vireo - 1
Blue Jay - 5
Carolina Chickadee - 2
Tufted Titmouse - 1
House Wren - 1
Carolina Wren - 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 4
Hermit Thrush - 1
American Robin - 30
Northern Mockingbird - 4
European Starling - 3
Cedar Waxwing - 25
Orange-crowned Warbler - 5
Pine Warbler - 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1
Northern Cardinal - 6
Great-tailed Grackle - 16
American Goldfinch - 15

December List (21 species):

Great Blue Heron - 1
Great Egret - 2
White-winged Dove - 100
Mourning Dove - 15
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1
Downy Woodpecker - 2
Northern Flicker - 1
Eastern Phoebe - 1
Blue Jay - 7
Carolina Wren - 4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2
American Robin - 125
Northern Mockingbird - 3
Cedar Waxwing - 75
Orange-crowned Warbler - 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2
Northern Cardinal - 4
Great-tailed Grackle - 10